Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mike Lewis’ Texas Chili

This recipe will make a stock pot full – so if you want less, adjust accordingly.

5 lbs. ground beef
28 oz. can crushed tomatoes
2 – 40 oz. cans of Redskin (or any type) kidney beans
6 oz. can tomato paste
2 cans beer (any kind)
2 T. olive oil
4 garlic cloves minced
3 t. salt
3 t. ground black pepper
3 t. dried oregano
2 T. cumin
10 T. chili powder (medium hot) (we use Penzey’s brand)
3 t. crushed dried chili’s – seeds and all (about 6 chili’s)
2 T. sugar

Slice and chop onions.  Sauté in olive oil until soft, but do not brown.  

Add beef.  Stir occasionally until brown.  

Add all dry ingredients.  Stir and cook about 2 minutes.  

Add crushed tomatoes, paste, and beer and bring to boil.  

Cook 5 minutes on low boil.  Add beans.  Bring to boil.  

Simmer for 1 hour with lid on.  

Turn off heat – leave overnight or at least 4 hours.  Reheat to serve and eat.

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